About the agency

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Midikenn model management was founded by the Bangoura family in 1991. At first the agency started as an agency for children.


The transformation of the agency began when some of those children (Nina Moric, Tatjana Dragovic, Ljupka Gojic, Mateja Penava, Kristina Sajko, ...) attracted the attention of some of the world top agencies.


Since then, Midikenn model management is the top modeling agency on the territory of former Yugoslavia.


In the year 2008, the prestigious and most relevant site in fashion business, www.models.com listed Midikenn model management among other agencies on its web-site. Midikenn model management is the first agency in this part of Europe which is listed in the directory of this well-known web-site, right next to the biggest agencies in the world like DNA, Marilyn, IMG, Women, etc.


We collaborate only with the best domestic and international companies, brands and magazines. Our entire bussiness philosophy reclines on the fact that we are trying to obtain the image and credibility that we have built for years, providing the best treatment toward our clients and toward our models.


We collaborate with: Why Not, Women, Profile, Marilyn, Select, Next Company, Vivaparis, Metropolitan, New Madison, Elite model management, Storm model management...


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